Digital Currency Group
Brand Documentation

Graphic element

Our graphic element is used across our communications not only to build brand recognition, add depth to our visual language and engage our audience. But also to depict our progressive mindset and acceleration into the future. It’s a visual representation of us as a capital engine that is made up of a sum of parts with a clear input and output.
Our graphic element
A catalyst for progression
& acceleration.
Our graphic element’s is inspired by our logotype, formed through the geometry of a circle. This forms the basis for a variety of executions, applications and treatments. The circular forms offer a visual representation of our capital engine concept, representing how the engine is made up of a sum of moving parts, progressing and accelerating in to the future.
Graphic element basis
Our graphic element
Simplicity brings
The basis of simplicity our graphic element is built upon brings a wide array of visual possibilities and expressions to how we communicate. We categorise our graphic element’s usage in to two categories, illustrative and informative, this aids us in being able to define what we aim to achieve with our graphic element on each and every application of it.
Black and white led
Illustrative variants of our graphic element result in a variety of possible expressions, which can be used to add another layer of depth to applications, or communicate metaphorically.
Linear  expansion
Linear path
Illustrative examples
We allow for the use of colour within the application of our graphic element, but it should be used sparingly.
Our graphic element can be adapted for informative usages, such as infographics.
Flat layering
3D Layering
Our graphic element can be adapted for informative usages, such as infographics.
Graphic element don’ts
Examples of graphic element applications and treatments that should be avoided.
Don’t distort the geometry of the graphic element in any application, always maintain strict circular geometry.
Don’t incorporate other shapes in to the graphic element, use circular forms only.
Don’t run texts on circular paths.