Digital Currency Group
Brand Documentation


The DCG logotype is constructed by bringing together our symbol and full name and locking them up together. There are two versions that have been created to work best for different applications. These are used for different formats to ensure legibility and a uniformed expression.
Our most powerful
brand sender.
Our DCG symbol is formed by a combination of letter forms of D, C and G. Each letter is bespoke in how it’s drawn and have each been drawn from parts of a circle to visually represent our “Capital engine” concept.  The symbol builds a sense of rhythm through it further representing how an engine is made up of multiple turning parts that form DCG when brought together.
Our symbol clearspace
It’s important to leave plenty of space around our symbol. We use the D character as a based for this clearspace to ensure we have a consistent buffer around each side.
Our symbol social avatars
The DCG SoMe avatar is constructed using a 6x6 grid perfectly balanced for all sizes and is perfectly centered.
Building consistent
We have two logotype lock-up versions that are created by combining our symbol with our name in text. These two versions ensure consistent brand recognition across a wide range of different application and sizes.
Logotype variations
We have two logotype versions, a stacked version where the symbol is more prominent and a horizontal version where the symbol is the same height as the name.
Stacked DCG logo lock-up
Horizontal DCG logo lock-up
Logotype clearspace
To ensure our logotype variations create impact and build clear recognition it is important that clearspace is consistently used around them. There should never be any instances where this area has anything in it. For both logotype variations the ‘D’ character is used to define the clear space. Part of the ‘D’ is used as a spacing reference for the distance between the symbol and text in the stacked logotype and for the horizontal version the ‘C’ is used for this space.
Stacked DCG logo lock-up clearspace
Horizontal DCG logo lock-up clearspace
Logotype color
Our logotype variations are only ever used in black or white. We NEVER use them in any other color.
Black logotype variations
White logotype variations
Tone on tone
In special cases we can allow a tone-in-tone application for the logotype or the symbol. For digital applications this can be achieved by using opacity. When printing this is preferably created using techniques like foliage and different textures rather than by color application.
Tone on tone digital example using opacity
Tone on tone print example using foliage
Positioning and placement
Creating a flexible & recognizable system
In most cases we left align our logotype, but we are also able to separate the elements that make up the logotype. We can use these elements separately across an application to help frame and focus the content.
Positioning and placement
Our two logotype variations should predominantly always be left aligned either at the top, middle or bottom, but in some select instances e.g. cover slides they can be aligned centrally. In these select cases the logotype lockup needs to be scaled to take up more than 50% of the overall application width.
Both our logotype variations should always be left aligned, but in some case be used centrally.
Both our logotype variations should always be left aligned, but in some case be used centrally.
Our symbol clearspace
As brand recognition is built we are able, on select applications, to separate the symbol and name away from each other. We use our horizontal logotype as a base for this, and then we can adjust the symbol size, when we separate the two elements, based on the overall application size.

The changes to the symbol should be made in scaled increases based off the original lock-up size e.g. 2x, 3x, 4x and never be more than 5x.

The symbol and name then are placed oppositely in the application with the symbol always being positioned on the left and the name able to sit either aligned left or right.

When elements are separated they must both  always be somewhere on every application.
Symbol x2 of original horizontal lockup placed top left with name opposite bottom left aligned
Symbol x3 of original horizontal lockup placed center left with name opposite center right aligned
Subsidiaries endorsement
Examples of logotype application that should be avoided.
Logotype Don’ts
Depending on the phase of the subsidiary endorsement we adjust the size of the DCG identifier so that if the endorsement needs to be more prominent it is larger vs once the endorsement has been established than the identifier is used smaller.
Application examples