Digital Currency Group
Brand Documentation


Imagery can be used to capture the attention and ignite the imagination of all our stakeholders. We use it to build emotional resonance, document who we are and showcase what we do.

Please note that DCG does not own image rights at the time of writing. Therefore, they may not be used or distributed beyond the use of this document.

Wealth of

Representing our
company spirit.
Our image concept wealth of knowledge is a depiction of the DCG spirit and company values. Natural, unpretentious and genuine compositions portray our stakeholders and environments in an authentic manner.
Motifs showcasing
us & our audience.
Our categories of imagery allow us to communicate with a variety of stakeholders in differing tone’s of voice – dependant on communicational intent.
Documenting the scale of operations of the most important operator and investor in the crypto industry.
Up close and personal photography of the people we work with, showcasing diversity and the brightest minds of the industry.
We capture details – of people and human interactions, inside and outside of the work place. Here we can showcase our intellectual curiosity and detail oriented mindset.
Look and feel
Imagery that feels
personal & unpretentious.
To maintain a consistent brand expression within imagery, we instruct certain visual qualities that ensure we build a cohesive image library.
Black and white led
Our imagery is black and white led. By led, we mean that we allow for the inclusion of colour in certain instances – but the majority of imagery should be black and white.
Lighting within our imagery should feel natural, we avoid over or under exposed imagery or any use of obvious flash. Contrasts should feel human, offering enough distinction between tones, without distracting from the subject matter of said image.
Imagery Don’ts
Examples of imagery applications and treatments that should be avoided.
Avoid images of that are overly staged or stereotypical of financial and business sectors.
Don’t veer away from our tonality guidance, creating under exposed or over contrasted imagery.
Avoid crops that feel un-natural or distract from the image itself.