Digital Currency Group
Brand Documentation


Typography is the visualization of our brand's voice. We use it to communicate different tones depending on the setting and audience type. From providing government legislation recommendations and legal terms and conditions, to creating bold and expressive internal recruitment applications, our flexible typographic approach allows our voice to adapt depending on the context of communication and audience it is targeted at. This flexibility helps to articulate and bring our values to life.
Business as unusual.
Our adaptive voice
Our two typographic pairings have clear personalities to be able to both visually and tonally speak to different audience types, bringing to life DCG’s strategic values. Using a family of different weights also, from a practical sense, gives flexibility to expression.
Light Italic
Regular Italic
Medium Italic
KH Grotesk — Our trusted voice

Provides a visual representation of our credibility and how we are often perceived as the adult in the room.
Light Italic
Regular Italic
Medium Italic
KH Giga — Our thoughtful voice

Provides a visual representation of our humble nature and personable internal culture.

Trusted voice example

Gross dividend amount increased 33% quarter over quarter

Our trusted voice example

Used for facts and figures

Trusted voice example

If raising, where is the greatest need for capital?

Our trusted voice example

Used for facts and figures

Mixing our voices
Accelerating the development of a better financial system
Our personalities can also live together in the same headline or subheading.
Fallback typography
In the rare occasions where we are not able to use our brand typefaces we use fallback system fonts. These are preinstalled in all computers. Arial is used as a fallback for KH Grotesk and Times New Roman is used as a fall back for KH Giga.
Regular Italic Bold Italic
Regular Italic Bold Italic
Type hierarchy — Headlines
With headlines, subheadings and larger text, legibility should always be the guiding principle. We can use KH Grotesk, KH Giga or a combination of both depending on the tone we want to set for the application and target audience.

The line height should be set to 105% to ensure legibility and tracking should be set to -3%. When mixing our different fonts we always ensure that the same weight is used for both e.g. KH Regular is paired with KH Giga Regular Italic. To empathize the combination we also used KH Giga in italics when combining it with KH Grotesk.

Headlines should always be left aligned. When combining our typefaces we always set them both at the same height.

Our combined typography treatment should be used sparingly and only ever used to enhance the narrative not just as a decorative element.
To the brightest minds of the industry
Providing funding & support
Type hierarchy — Body copy
With body copy and smaller text, legibility should always be the guiding principle. As a starting point we use KH Grotesk Regular for body copy because of its legibility.

The line height should be set to 110% to ensure legibility. We can also use KH Grotesk Medium to highlight words or call out sentences. Body copy should always be left aligned.

We NEVER use KH Giga for body copy.
Our mission is to accelerate the development of a better financial system. We build and support bitcoin and blockchain companies by leveraging our insights, network, and access to capital.
We have a fixed approach to aligning type only using left alignment across the full range of our applications. This approach helps to build recognition whilst also ensuring readability. We use it for headlines, subheadings and body copy.

We avoid using right alignment for text as this creates hard to read type.
Typography Don’ts
In the rare occasions where we are not able to use our brand typefaces we use fallback system fonts. These are preinstalled in all computers. Arial is used as a fallback for KH Grotesk and Times New Roman is used as a fall back for KH Giga.
Don’t combine other fonts with either of our brand typefaces, and avoid right aligning text.
Don’t use other weights that are not Light, Regular of Medium or aligning the text centrally as it becomes had to read.
Don’t use different text sizes when combining typefaces
Application examples